This show, organized within a series of exhibitions curated by Command-N (an activity-based art collective directed by the artist Masato Nakamura) highlights the newest activities of the artist Hideki Nakazawa, focused on the actual patents he has obtained during the past recent years.
His main patent deals with the very simple idea of a “3D bitmap”. If you know what a “pixel” (= abbreviation of pictures + element) is, you just need to think of a pixel in 3 dimensions. This 3D pixel is called “Voxel” (= combination of “volumetric” and “pixel”) and Nakazawa owns the patent for deploying any 3D bitmap art form. He claims that the purest artistic form of expression does not lie in the use of a medium, but rather in the act of creating the medium itself, just like Leonardo Da Vinci who spent a considerable amount of time just on preparing his ideal pigment. With this hypothesis, Nakazawa claims that the artistic quality of his work only resides in the following table.
In this exhibition, you can take a look at the actual patent certificates that the artist obtained both in Japan and the US, along with a showcase of the 3D Bitmap editing software he directed and published in 1996.
Hideki Nakazawa’s “Art Patent Sustaining Project” @ Kandada / Project Collective Command-N